Root canal treatment (Endodontic therapy) is a procedure through which an infected pulp of the tooth is removed and replaced by a filling to prevent further infection, once the pulp area has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. A root canal treatment is the favourable choice of dental treatment for saving a tooth which has a dental infection.
In restorative dentistry, root canal treatment is the most important treatment to save a tooth. After the root canal therapy it is advised to put dental crowns in order to avoid fracture of the tooth.
If the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected, the infection may spread within the tooth. This may sooner or later lead to a swelling or Pain. An abscess is an inflamed area in which pus collects and sometimes causes swelling of the tissues around the tooth. The symptoms of an abscess can be from a small ache to severe pain and inability to chew from the affected side. If root canal treatment is not carried out on time, the infection will spread and the tooth may need to be taken out.
A toothache is the most common symptom when you must visit the dentist, You may also experience pain while chewing, when you experience tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, swelling of the gums, discomfort while biting on the tooth and other oral issues there is a chance, you may need a root canal treatment. Sometimes you may not have any symptoms. The need for a root canal treatment is usually confirmed by taking an x-ray of a tooth.
Since we strongly believe in painless dentistry at Rajaram Smilecare Dental Clinic, our experienced specialised dental surgeons( Endodontist) will treat your tooth with the root canal therapy in a way that you save your tooth and will let you forget the pain. Our specialised dental surgeons( endodontist)will professionally clean these infected area, which will stop inflammation and allow healing to progress.
Rajaram Smile-care Dental clinic, being an advanced dental care centre, do ethical dental practice by keeping the best interest of the patient in mind
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